Journal 65a: Josh


Josh (Danger) is the on the far right

 Journal 65a

This podcast is narrated by Josh, AKA “Danger,” the Peace Corps Volunteer who has been in my town for one year longer than I have. He is describing the agriculture aspect of the April camp.


One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.

Journal 63: Authoring these Axioms


The furthest and best-preserved island in the province


Journal 63

This journal is a poem, the sequel to “Authoring these Conclusions” from Journal 29. In it, I remember an old romance and pie, walk alone on the beach, and wander among horses.

NOTE: This posting follows Journal 60, deliberately skipping 61 and 62 (for now).


One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.

Journal 60: Activate that dream, I decided to go for it anyway, a successful reparatory company




Journal 60

This journal is about the theater.


One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.


Journal 59: Three Readings


Journal 59

This journal is a continuance of the last journal, and is about three articles that Wolverine recommended that I read.


One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.

Journal 55 – Part 3: All her fault, Established myself in the Temporal, Mount a people’s movement

Galleon 2

Spanish galleons seeking miracles

Journal 55 – Part 3

This one is a long one, the second of four episodes profiling the four officers who are in command of the fleet of Symbolic Vessels, second only to the Captain. This one is about Raging Granny, who commands the S.S. Antagonist.


One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.



Journal 36-Part 1: Two experiences of Super Typhoon Yolanda


Typhoon Yolanda approaching the Philippines


Journal 36 – Part 1

The Category 5 Super Typhoon Haiyan, known as Typhoon Yolanda, was the strongest typhoon ever recorded in terms of wind speed. This journal entry is from two perspectives: mine and my PC volunteer friend named Josh who was located in Tacloban.  This is Part 1.

This Journal should have been posted earlier but there were some delays due to coordinating these two accounts.  That’s why this journal’s number is out of sequence.


One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.

Journal 39: Letter to You

Journal 39

This is an open letter to the listeners of my journal and podcast.


One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.

Journal 35: Can of sardines * Bias * Manila, not America

poltergeist movie


Journal 35

This journal is where I tried to repair the symbols of the fable even while the fable goes forward through a collapsing membrane.

One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.

Journal 34: Blessing and purpose * We have no budget * How to help


Organizing Books

Journal 34:

This journal is about my first project, organizing books and getting a card catalogue together.

One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.

Journal 33: Too loud to discern * Straight through the castle * Channeling an array

Pinoy Explorer

Filipino TV Show

Journal 33

This journal entry is the fable, where we watch an advertisement, with further symbolic support from real life.

One or two new podcasts every week

These 15-20 minute dispatches from my life are a delicious treat, and palatable at any time of the day, but especially before or after lunch. Subscribe on iTunes in order to get the episodes automatically uploaded to your gadgets.